We had 3 days with our daughter in our flat. She went back to the orphanage this afternoon. While communication was difficult, I must admit that I was very sad for her to go. Thankfully, we were able to go around the corner for just the right thing...espresso and tiramisu! There is a new, modern, swanky coffeehouse (called Coffee Life, of course) nearby with free wifi. It is fantastic.
We spent part of the day with Masha, Avraam, Dasha, and Yana the translator. We had a great time at McDonald's and back at our flat watching a movie. Thankfully, we have some movies in Russian. It is so amazing to be here with these children and the history we have had with them. (Paula writing now) Terri, we got Avraam a new Sim card-I'll email the number to you. He is so great. Always smiles. Masha is such a sweetie, too. She always hangs on to my arm or my hand. I absolutely love it. It was great for our daughter to have some friends over with her. She told Yana that things have been good and she is enjoying our time together. Praise God we have not bored her to death! We are having to learn to give her some space. She is so shy, and I just want to love on her all the time. But she is 14, so I will try to contain myself. She is not real big on having her picture taken, but she'll get used to it.
I do have a prayer request. BTW, M-17, we really miss you today! Paula is having chest pains again. This happened the last time we were here, and she saw a cardiologist last spring. They thought it was mitrovalve prolapse, but decided it's just an irregular heartbeat. It hasn't been troublesome for the last several months. But, as they say it is more stress-related, Paula is having a lot of pain now. Please pray for it to go away and for there not to be any complications. Also, we hope to get our date tomorrow or Tuesday for court.
Thanks so much for all of you that have posted. You cannot imagine how excited we are to check the blog each day! Jenn, thanks for all the tips.
Ande & Paula